Welcome to PromoShop!

Placing Orders:

PromoShop offers custom branded products. All product orders are decorated after an order is placed. Our team receives your order and placing the products into production to add your branded logo or design onto the products you've purchased. All users will receive an order confirmation email immediately following the order placement. Please check your spam folder if you do not receive the email within several minutes. If you see any mistakes to your order - product color, sizes, quantities, shipping address, etc. please reply to your order confirmation email immediately after placing your order. Products can be placed into production within hours.

Product Returns:

No product returns are allowed. Once a product has been decorated we cannot accept a product retun or order cancelation. Retirns are only authorized if the items you received were damaged or there was a mistake made in the production process. Please ensure you carefully check all order details and check all sizing charts for clothing items prior to submitting your order.  If your order was delivered with a mistake or damaged in shipping please contact our customer service team at orders@girvinmarketing.com

Please state the issue and provide a photo of the damaged product or order mistake.  All return requests must be made in writting within 14 days or the order delivery.

Order Shipments:

Your order may include products from several different factories. All product pages clearly state the estimated production time for each product. Products may ship from various locations at different times and arrive separately. The freight cost quoted on your orders covers the total shipping cost from each location.  If you choose to provide your own FedEx shipping account to cover shipping costs you may receive multiple charges for each shipment. Our quoted rates may be very different than the rates your account will be charged. Please check with your own FedEx service account rep or check FedEx online to get rate estimates, based on your account. Once an shipment is made we cannot reverse charges or alter the shpment method.

Order Payments:

All user accounts are responsible for the payment process. If you account has been approved for order invoicing it is your personal responibility to ensure the order invoice submitted to you is processed and paid by the due date.  All late or unpaid invoices will be directed to the individual user. Unpaid order invoices may be sent to a collection agency after 120 days past due. The collection agency will use the contact name on the order.